Catalogo Completo

E.B.A.N. • Paradigm of the definition of posture

15,00 €
Larghezza: 150 mm
Altezza: 210 mm
Autore: Pellecchia GiuseppePellecchia Giuseppe

Let me introduce myself: my name is Giuseppe Pellecchia. With my treatments, I have been able to relieve pain for thousands of people, but this was not enough for me. I was no longer satisfied with treating the symptom; I wanted to start from the sources that caused discomfort. So I decided to research, study, understand and interpret the topographical anatomy tables and neurophysiological integrative function. At that point, I discovered that our body is “synergistic” and that, in order for people to achieve a state of health and well-being, I had to create conditions of physical balance. After years of experience and treatments for thousands of clients, I tested a new method, called E.B.A.N. (Natural Joint Biological Balance). Thanks to this method, each of us finds our perfect natural psychophysical balance.


Even if you read using all your alchemy, following my instructions to the letter, you will never be able to create the conditions for Natural Joint Biological Balance.

E.B.A.N. not only promises psychophysical well-being after treatment, but the real possibility that applying yourself rationally, verifying the objectives underlying the observations described in the manuscript, will make you an independent scientific object and therefore less worried, but more aware and able to choose how to treat yourself. 

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